
What we do

We solve problems with lawns. The chances are you’re unhappy with your lawn and the advice you’ve had so far hasn’t worked.

The process starts arranging a time come and assess the lawn. This could involve looking at what’s going on below the surface and also what’s around the lawn. This will help determine what treatments will give you the desired results.

We can treat on the day if you’re happy to go ahead or arrange another day if you want to think about it.

The treatments don’t take long to apply but you’ll see the effects for about 2 months. The treatments are either granular or liquid.

Granular treatments are applied using a cyclone spreader that is calibrated to each product so the correct amount of product is applied. This can be the difference between fertiliser burn, stripes and weak grass.

Liquid treatments are applied using a knapsack sprayer. This is also calibrated to apply the correct amount of product for the same reasons.

After the application we try and leave advice to see you through the next 2 months. If something unexpected happens we are an email away.

Contact us now for a free no obligation lawn survey

What’s with the name?

It starts in the 17th Century when large homes and wealthy landowners had the grass shorn closely. Then in 1830 Edwin Budding invented the lawn mower. This drastically reduced the man power required to cut the lawn and so allowed the less wealthy to have a nice lawn too. This invention along with globalisation during the 1840s made lawns fashionable across the world.

1840 Lawn Care story

Hi, my name is Mike and I have been in the turf industry all my adult life. I have a degree in turfgrass science and 10+ years experience.

I started 1840 Lawn Care to offer something different to everyone else. I want to deliver quality that's affordable whilst also being environmentally friendly.

It's not easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

Our Lawn Health Plan

1840 Lawn Care provide specialist, value for money lawn treatment services, including our Lawn Health Plan from just £90 a year, which includes 6 treatments over the 12 months.

Other services include

  • Overseeding
  • Re-seeding
  • Turfing
  • Aeration (Decompaction)
  • Aeration (Thatch buster)
  • Top-dressing
  • Plant booster
  • Bio booster
  • Mowing

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